Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hitchens in Vanity Fair

Joe, over at "For What It's Worth" blog (link in Favorites) posted a section of Christopher Hitchens' article in latest Vanity Fair, (also link in Favorites) where he discusses his book tour through the South and elsewhere. Hitchens seems to think that there is a coming sea change in America (and even in Amerikkka) and that soon we may be exiting the era of the Christian Right stranglehold on politics. I read the article (it's great) and following are my comments:

Thanks for the heads-up on the Vanity Fair article Joe. I do adore Hitchens; we need more rascals of his stripe around here. Enjoyed the article and am not surprised of his findings on tour either. I do believe this is a groundswell of intelligent, critical thinkers in our midst who are getting fed up with the Bible thumpers' attempts to co-opt public policy. Enough is enough seem to be the mutterings I'm hearing.

For me, the halt to stem cell research is the worst abomination in the political capitulation to the fundamentalists. I'm disappointed that the Democratic candidates aren't making more noise about it. With this research we could possibly leap ahead several squares obviating a whole tour of other less promising roads to cures. It would be like pulling the Lollipop card in Candyland, like turning on all of the features of the Batmobile, like going to Warp Speed on the get the drift...

Instead, we've got these believers in Bronze Age mythologies; people who think the Earth is six thousand years old and that dinosaurs boarded Noah's Ark, indirectly directing our nation's funding of Scientific Research. It would be hilarious ala a good South Park episode, if it weren't so damned infuriating and tragic......sooooo tragic.

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