Friday, February 29, 2008

Jacob Heilbrunn: Bill Buckley's Conservatism

William F. Buckley's conservatism was real. Actual. He disagreed vehemently with the current Neocons running our government. He declared that if we had a Parliamentary system in the US, Bush would have to resign, if not be impeached.Buckley was an intellectual, vastly intelligent and a far cry from what passes for "conservative" nowadays

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Chief Justice Roberts Defends ExxonMobil

Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on how much money ExxonMobil should be forced to pay as damages for its Exxon Valdez oil spill 19 years ago. The Washington Post's Dana Milbank notes that Chief Justice John Roberts appeared "bothered" that Exxon might have to pay for its destruction: ...

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Countdown: The Politics Of Funny

Does it bother you that Jon Stewart made this crack about Obama's name sounding like Osama? Or that his middle name is Hussein like the former dictator? I really think Stewart was making fun of those folks who actually freak out at the similarity of the names as if somehow his name will dictate his political agenda. That assumption is absurd, which is what I believe, Stewart was pointing out. It was mildly funny, not wildly funny as Stewart has certainly been in the past, but I think Olberman is over -reacting on this one. Check it out:

Monday, February 25, 2008

In Memories of a Painful Past, Hushed Worry About Obama

Front page NYT story today: Some voters are invoking the memories of the killings of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Senator Robert F. Kennedy in 1968.

My comments:

My husband and I have been worried also and have mentioned to one another "God I hope he doesn't have an assassination attempt on him." I was in high school when MLK and Bobby Kennedy were shot. I was very interested in politics at that time and I was "for" (though I could not vote yet) Bobby Kennedy and followed his campaign as did my parents. I was just nine years old when President Kennedy was shot but I can tell you that it was very traumatic. I was sitting in class in when there was an announcement over the loud speaker "President Kennedy has been shot." I believe we were then all sent home early. Once home, our family activity had just stopped; we were all in the living room and my mom was crying and we were all glued to the TV watching the news story and film footage of the motorcade. To me, it was unbelievable. It was hard to believe that our President could be that vulnerable. I was so young and still innocent. I could feel also the shock and grief of my parents; even the news reporters were completely devastated. Everyone in my world that I saw and knew was devastated.When Bobby Kennedy was running for President, I think many of us felt that here was a chance to have the JFK policies, the JFK standard raised once again. It felt like many people felt deeply that the Kennedys were almost interchangeable in that you could depend on their Democratic values, their Civil Rights values. In addition, Bobby Kennedy was questioning the war in Viet Nam. It was such a hopeful time, rather like now with Barack Obama. It's something I don't want to relive....the heartbreak, the horror, the emotional deflation, depression, grief and it goes without saying I don't want any of that for the Obama family. Yet I am not so naive as I once was. At this point I do not believe that JFK was killed simply by Oswald, acting alone, nor do I believe that Bobby Kennedy was shot ONLY by Sirhan Sirhan. I think he was a puppet to a larger, YES, conspiracy to keep the Kennedy style of government OUT of Washington. That is what I fear for Obama; that there are still those elements in our society who would stop at nothing, don't mind killing, to keep their pockets lined, their ideology in place and devil take the hindmost.

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Friday, February 22, 2008


Why did the New York Times wait until now to release the story of McCain and cute lobbyist? Could it be that the Republican elites saw results of Wisconsin and KNOW McCain can't beat Obama? Do they have a Plan D? Read on...

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Thursday, February 21, 2008

New York Times article on McCain and Lobbyist

First thing this morning I read my NYT in my inbox as I do every morning. There on Page One is the story that McCain was possibly having an affair with an attractive lobbyist back in 1999. As the story goes, McCain aides were very concerned, had several meetings to confront McCain about the appearance of the too cozy relationship. Yada, yada, yada.

It appears they perhaps got too cozy and he was probably smitten with her a bit, loved the attention etc., after all he was 62 and she was 40 and very attractive. But it does not appear that there IS evidence of any "affair". It appears that there was the appearance of an affair. The more important angle to the story would be that she was a lobbyist whose client was a party in upcoming or ongoing proposed legislation. THAT is the story. Her client was pouring tens of thousands into McCain's campaign when he was on a committee that would decide about legislation affecting her client.
This whole romantic angle is only possible because she was a female lobbyist. Had she been male then we would have been talking about too much access to the Senator etc. But since she's female the angle is romance.
It feels rather slime-ball to me; the timing is suspect and the whole thing feels like a witch hunt. I don't support or condone McCain's extreme rightwing positions at all; yet I can't help feeling the guy is being unfairly targeted on this one.
Can we be Democrats and not feel knee-jerk glee whenever a Republican is in hot water? I feel disheartened when I see people jumping on the bandwagon, obviously not having carefully read the article but just join in the savaging of a person because he happens to be of the opposite political party. Yuck.

But as one commenter on HuffPo noted Americans will get way more upset about "a blowjob" than they would about a thousand crooked deals. Who cares if McCain had an affair; the real story is about the lobbyist influence. Forget the sex angle. It's a non-issue to grown-ups.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Progressives should unite behind Obama's inspirational words

Robert Creamer: To Vilify Obama for his Ability to Inspire is to Ignore the Principal Lesson of the Last Three Decades of American Politics

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Lawyers, Guns and Money: Wisconsin

Obama wins Wisconsin. What's it all mean? check out the post at LGM.

Lawyers, Guns and Money: Wisconsin

Monday, February 18, 2008

Bill Clinton stand ups to Pro-Life protesters

He tells the truth about the true agenda of the anti choice crowd.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Old Clinton Ties and Voters’ Sway Tug at Delegates

The dwindling group of undecided Democratic superdelegates is being caught in strong political crosscurrents.

My Comments: I sure hope we don't get a brokered convention. We are in a position (finally) where young people have come out in record numbers to participate and vote. Are we going to then turn around and play "Father Knows Best" on them, saying their votes don't ultimately count because super delegates get to trump voters? I think this would be monumentally stupid for the future of the party and the political process. It's so Rovian to do it that way. It's so very Right wing conspiracy. It's so cynical and short-sighted.

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Saturday, February 16, 2008

James Moore: A Texas Turncoat Casts His Lustful Eyes Toward

Mark McKinnon was a Democrat, then a "Bush guy", now a McCain advisor and is longingly looking at the Obama campaign. Announced he will switch horses in mid-stream if Obama becomes the Dem nominee. Do we want a slimeball like this anywhere REMOTELY close to the Obama campaign?

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Democrats Look for Way to Avoid Convention Rift

Some senior Democrats plan to remain neutral for now in the presidential race in part to keep open the option to broker a peaceful resolution to a tight contest.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

McCain Votes FOR Waterboarding Torture

When confronted today with the decision of whether to stick with his conscience or cave to the right wing, McCain chose to ditch his principles and instead vote to preserve waterboarding today.My comments: Well Johnny Mac was AGIN' it before he was for it! This dude is about to be swiftboated, and he is doing it to himself! He cannot be any more of a suck-up than if he were a vacuum cleaner! I cannot believe this guy! Capitulate much?? Jaysus! It is hard to believe that he did not give in to torturers in Viet Nam, after watching his caving like a house of cards to the right wing extremists of the GOP. Unbelievable. Read on....

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Almost Valentine's Day: McCain Luuuuvs Bush

After all the Rovian tactics of 2000, after the smear campaign against John McCain by the Bush machine, the pain caused to his family, his bitter defeat after leading Bush in the polls, Johnny Mac has decided that he loves his tormentors. Not just W, mind you, but also Karl Rove. Yep. It's official, he said it yesterday that he admires, even like KKKarl; that he would welcome his advice. Hard to read before breakfast, I know, it's even harder to type before breakfast, trust me. But it's time for those folks who still cling to the outdated image of Johnny Maverick McCain, who still think of him as a non-conformist to the rightwing lockstep marching orders to WAKE UP! He's enlisting for four more years of Bush policies and he's looking to use Rove tactics to do it. I'm sorry to break it to you, but Johnny Mac is not merely BACK, he's back in BLACK. Ugh. If you need more convincing, read Arianna Huffington's post below:

Arianna Huffington: End of a Romance:

Why the media and independent voters need to break-up with John McCain

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Johnny Mac's got, like a message of Hope, only different

That old Beach Boys song "Bomb, bomb Iran....ha ha ha..."

Yeah, right.

Al Franken's Rival Isn't Laughing

Al Franken is leading his Democratic opponent in double digit numbers. The other guy, Cresi is a pretty good guy; in fact it's a win-win for Democrats either way. What has Al Franken supporters so excited about Al?

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Republicans: Conservatism has failed! Deal with it!

From Bondad over at Daily Kos:

To Republicans: Conservatism Has Failed. Deal With It
by bonddad
Sat Feb 09, 2008 at 06:09:20 AM PST

I have a guilty pleasure to admit: I have been listening to right wing radio over the last few weeks with increasing pleasure. I am reminded of the phrase, "when in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging." However, it's doubtful they will take my advice. But in listening to Rush and Hannity and reading the likes of Powerline and RedState, I see them dance around the central issue without quite getting there. So let me offer my help to help them get to that ever important point of acceptance.

You guys controlled the While House and Congress for 6 years. The country saw what you want to accomplish and are experiencing the impact of your policies. And guess what? THEY THINK CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT STINKS.

* bonddad's diary :: ::

Let's start with the big one.

No one likes Iraq. Between the shifting rationale for the war, the ever-increasing cost, the continued loss of American lives and the Iraqi's inability to form any kind of meaningful government, Iraq was a bad idea all the way around. Period. Spin it how you like, you're going to come up with the same answer.

Terry Schiavo: This was by far the clearest indication of what the religious right will do if they attain power. And it isn't pretty. Let's tackle this by showing how clearly this situation violated literally every core Republican belief.

"Republicans believe in state's right." This situation was litigated for years at the state level, in an area of law that traditionally has happened at the state level. The religious right didn't like the result, so they made it a federal issue.

"Republicans believe in individual rights." Schiavo's husband demonstrated in court that his wife wanted to die should her then current situation happen to her. That was her individual choice. A judge agreed. The religious right decided that just wasn't good enough.

"Limited Federal Government". The Republicans used the federal government to interject themselves into a family matter.

Katrina: This is what happens when people who don't like government and don't think it can work are put in charge.

The economy: The Republicans -- the party of fiscal conservatism -- have added an additional $3.2 trillion dollars to the federal debt. They have created an economy build on debt at the consumer level and hoped to leave office before the secret got out. Well, the secret got out and people have figured out it was a giant illusion.

Here's the point: every policy that the Republicans have initiated has fallen apart. It doesn't work plain and simple. The Republicans wonder why there's an enthusiasm gap? Even Republican voters realize they're failed. Only the hard-core 30% Republican supporters are hanging on right now. Fine -- let them. It's their choice.

Every "true conservative" Republican candidate has failed. The reason? Conservative polities don't work. You guys are trying to sell a typewriter in a word processor world.

When Republican are in charge

-- they are nothing more than power hungry spendthrifts who will add hundreds of billions to the national debt

-- they will lie to go to war (despite most of you never serving in the military yourself)

-- they will use the Federal government to interject themselves into personal family matters if their religious right leaders want them to.

Raise your hand if that's what you want in government.


Immigration lessons from the primaries. An exit poll in California asked Republicans to choose among three immigration policy options. About six in 10 voters said illegal aliens should either be allowed to apply for U.S. citizenship or to stay as temporary workers. Those voters went for Mr. McCain comfortably. A minority of 38% favored deportation.

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

FDL Book Salon: Allen Raymond “How to Rig an Election"

It's the second-half of the book..where Raymond really exposes the cynical underbelly of Republican operations. Raymond was, recall, the telemarketing consultant whom the New Hampshire GOP employed to jam the phones of the Democratic GOTV lines on election day in 2002, helping to get John Sununu elected over Jeanne Shaheen. -hosted by emptywheel

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Saturday, February 9, 2008

Daily Show: Romney never recovered from being a douchebag

"What happened to the Romney campaign?" Jon Stewart asked correspondent Jason Jones. "He was well-funded, and he certainly looked the part," answered Jones, "but I don't think the Romney camp ever recovered from the fact that Mitt Romney is a douchebag."

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Friday, February 8, 2008

Interesting tidbit in NY Times OpEd

On Super Tuesday, the influential evangelist James Dobson said he would sit out the election if John McCain was the nominee.

My comment: Grrrrrreat! You and your young Earth, anti-choice, anti-stem cell research, home schooling, Iraq war-loving, xenophobes just sit at home on your Bibles. Let the grown-ups manage the government for a change. Works for me!

What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill? Part 2

Another great one!

What is this 'Iraq war' charge on my bill?

Great new commercial that is already targeting John McCain and the Repubs for Fall. Check it out!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Who Is More Electable? Obama!

"Voters in many states have only just begun to be acquainted with Barack Obama, and more familiarity may breed more comfort."So says Nicholas Kristoff of the NY Times Editorial staff. I've been saying for months that regardless of Hillary's policies, plans, political saavy, experience and dedication, there is no way she will be elected over a guy like John McCain. She'd even have a tough time going against Romney. McCain is far too moderate, attracts too many independents and is just too plain likable for Hillary to overcome all of HER negatives, going against him.What are those negatives? First and foremost in the general election, she will be the dream candidate for the Republicans. There is such an incredible, irrational hatred of her in the Republican base; they will come out of their graves to vote against her. They've hated her since Day One of the Clinton presidency in 1992 and would love a chance to prove it once again. Then there is the hatred of Bill; has anyone forgotten Ken Starr? Has anyone forgotten the rightwing outrage about US troops in Kosovo? The rightwing never met a war it didn't like, EXCEPT the one that Bill Clinton sent troops to; THAT war they railed against as much as they ballyhoo this Iraq war with their yellow ribbon stickers and American flags. The moment that Hillary is the official Democratic nominee, the Republican prime directive will be "Let the swiftboating begin!" But they may not have to invent a thing; they'll go on Monica Lewinsky and Hillary's not baking cookies and being a "feminazi" (they love to use that term). They'll bring up Whitewater, dead bodies, you name it; can't you just hear Rush and Hannity already?Not that they will be kind to Obama, BUT he has such appeal and indeed genuine crossover appeal, that I believe they will have to take it easy on him for fear of a backlash. If they come out too strong against him, they run the risk of charges of racism, cynicism, anti-hope, anti-change. I think Obama's negatives are far less and apparently polls are reflecting that. Here's Nick Kristoff's article, click on Read More, it's worth it:

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Republicans for Obama

Some prominent Republicans have caught Obama fever.

Excerpt from the article:

Even if Republicans don't convert in more significant numbers, the friendly outreach may blunt the ferocity of GOP attacks. One senior aide to John McCain has already said he's reluctant to attack Obama: last year, McCain's adman Mark McKinnon wrote an internal memo promising not to tape ads against the Illinois Democrat if he becomes the nominee.

In my view, this is huge. Consider what the Republicans intend to do with Hillary or as they undoubtedly will say "Billary". They will use the scare tactic of another four or eight years of Bill Clinton in the White House. Although Hillary is very capable, strikingly organized, informed and intelligent; practically a walking encylopedia on the issues, her Achillies heel is the intense animosity both she and Bill draw from the conservative base. They HATE her with atomic vitriol. If the Dems want crossover votes and they do, they need to go with Obama. People need to look ahead to the General election and plan accordingly.

Here's the article, make of it what you will:

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