Saturday, February 2, 2008

Republicans for Obama

Some prominent Republicans have caught Obama fever.

Excerpt from the article:

Even if Republicans don't convert in more significant numbers, the friendly outreach may blunt the ferocity of GOP attacks. One senior aide to John McCain has already said he's reluctant to attack Obama: last year, McCain's adman Mark McKinnon wrote an internal memo promising not to tape ads against the Illinois Democrat if he becomes the nominee.

In my view, this is huge. Consider what the Republicans intend to do with Hillary or as they undoubtedly will say "Billary". They will use the scare tactic of another four or eight years of Bill Clinton in the White House. Although Hillary is very capable, strikingly organized, informed and intelligent; practically a walking encylopedia on the issues, her Achillies heel is the intense animosity both she and Bill draw from the conservative base. They HATE her with atomic vitriol. If the Dems want crossover votes and they do, they need to go with Obama. People need to look ahead to the General election and plan accordingly.

Here's the article, make of it what you will:

read more | digg story

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