Monday, August 13, 2007

Goodbye Karl Rove!

Don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Karl Rove, wonder boy, architect of Bush's electoral successes has resigned. Rove certainly was one of the best minds in the Republican party. He parlayed his position to the point where he operated as a strategist on major national issues. He used his abilities to play partisan politics to the hilt. He was driven by power, the power to implement George W. Bush's agenda and it seemed that he would do anything to win. He was downright nasty the way he did play politics of smear and destruction. He sure pushed the limits in order to build his party's strength. But the agenda to institute a Republican rule has run aground, due to Iraq and the fact they he and George Bush pushed too many partisan issues, too many times.

Let's hope that with Rove gone, a lesson will be learned and the lesson might be that the American people are tired of intense partisanship and one party rule. They want bi-partisanship. A man like Rove is irrelevant in cooperative, fair government. It's time he left.

I always said I would have a party if Karl Rove ever ended up wearing an orange jumpsuit.

For now, I'll have to settle for having a celebratory Chinese dinner with a beer.

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