Monday, August 13, 2007

Hey It's a Misspeakin' Epidemic!

Wow. It's really spreading like wildfire. Awhile back I think Darth Cheney "misspoke". Didn't Mel Gibson "misspeak" or maybe his was "incoherant drunken rantspeak". He may have started the whole misspeaking virus though. Not long afterwards, Kramer from "Seinfeld" misspoke, in much the same manner as Gibson, but these incidents were separated by weeks, if not months.

Today, we have TWO misspeaking outbreaks and they are in the Presidential candidate's race. First, Rudy Giuliani who said a couple of days ago that he was a frequenter of Ground Zero MORE than clean up crews (Oops, Rudy, did you really think that one would slip by without notice, in NYC??) came out yesterday and said "I misspoke about being at Ground Zero as often or more than 9/11 workers."

Next we have Mitt Romney, who a few days ago said that his sons didn't have to go into the Army, because their patriotic duty was fulfilled by helping him get elected. (Who knew, helping Mitt Romney = active duty in the Armed Services.) Today, however, it seems that Mitt, too has been bitten by the "misspoke" bug and had this to say "I misspoke about sons choosing my campaign over military."

(Somebody should tell these guys that misspeaking or "I misspokin'" doesn't not erase the collective memory of those who heard the original "speak".)

"Misspeaking".....that and "checking into Rehab" seem to be the latest epidemics in the public arena these days. At least these folks are learning that they are not immune. I'm watching for the "I take full responsibility" bug to break out.

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