Friday, December 28, 2007

With Bhutto gone, does Bush have a Plan B?

Juan Cole in Salon:

Bush's failed policies in Pakistan, a nuclear power that al-Qaida still uses to plot against the West, threatens U.S. security more than Iraq ever did.

My comments: I read Juan Cole's "Informed Comment" blog on a pretty regular basis. Juan Cole has his finger on the pulse of the Middle East and never fails to offer lucid, factual information on the on-going situation from day to day. Today I find his article in Salon Mag a must-read for anyone who cares to dig further and past the United States' MSM's descriptions of the catastrophe occurring in Pakistan.

While I'm at it, I'd like to state that once again, JOE BIDEN IS RIGHT! When commenting on the situation in Pakistan and the remarks made by presidential candidates, Joe stated that what has been said does not make a lot of sense. Richardson, for example said that Musharraf should step down and let a coalition government take over. Biden said. "But what coalition? There isn't any. What's he talking about?" Exactly!

I don't have much faith in any Plan B that Bush might come up with, but I sure would like to hear more about Joe Biden's Plan B. With the current MSM choosing FOR us, who the leading candidates are (by virtue of the airtime they give their favorite picks) don't look to hear alot from Joe. I've liked the guy ever since I listened to the gavel to gavel coverage of the Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearings in 1988. He has always asked tough, fair questions and stays away from hyperbole. But this post is about Juan Cole....and his reasoned, articulate assessment of the current Pakistani (and therefore US) crisis. If you care to partake of the wisdom:

read more | digg story

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