Thursday, December 27, 2007

Answer to Joe Bageant

I like Joe Bageant. I like to read his blog now and again. Recently Joe posed a question about what it would take to have a revolution. What needs to occur in consciousness for people to turn things around in this country. I emailed Joe the following and if anyone is interested in reading Joe's blog, the link is in favorites.

Here's my say to Joe;


What needs to happen in my view is for people, everywhere to understand that it is not a Left-Right dichotomy. It is not the Republicans or Democrats ruining America it is the Corporatists of any stripe.

The first thing good old boy, hard-working middle Americans need to get, really get as in their bones.....IS that Corporations are NOT patriotic. There are no such things as "American" corporations. The corporations have found the global economy is to be exploited as follows: Go to the crummiest, lowliest wasteland in the world and set up a factory there. Pay dirt wages but a slight cut above what is generally the income there and soon these folks will indeed have a higher standard of living than the general population NOT working for the corporation. Pretty soon your employees are getting to put some money back into their economy and YOU get to parade around the world talking about how your corporation raises the standards of living for the employees and benefit their communities. You might even throw a little money at a school here or there. Great photo-ops in that.

Once the standard of living rises in this country to an extent that can be exploited to the max by you and your PR team; you shut down those factories and move to the next lowly s**thole and repeat formula.

Meanwhile back at the American ranch, our standard of living is stagnating or declining and the reason we don't feel the pinch is because of the credit card economy which keeps us afloat and awash in all of those products which our fearless leaders want us to keep on consuming. We are no longer a producing, manufacturing nation, we are a consumer nation. How long can this last?

Middle Americans who STILL think the political parties of any stripe serve their interests (and the parties TELL them what their interests are) are patsies. It is the Corporatists who run the government by dictating what tax deals they want, what legislation they want from the government and the government takes care of the good corporate lackeys they are. The message told to the masses is that this is the government who will keep gay marriage away from you, keep those illegals from taking your job etc. just don't look too closely at the real economics or the real know, the fine print.

The public gets the Advertising big print to read and the corporatists write all the fine print which nobody reads but which spells their doom.

till Middle America wakes up to this Joe, there won't be any revolution.

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