Saturday, December 22, 2007

Nightmare Before Christmas

I got one of those emails; the ones that make the rounds to moan and groan about taxes and how we're taxed to death etc. The commentary was the kind that seems to blame all of the "entitlement" programs in our society.

Nowhere in these emails does the real analysis come into play. I wrote back to my cousin who sent it to me and said that even Warren Buffet is talking about the unfairness of taxes these days, only HE is truly illuminating and giving voice to the actual facts. I said to my cousin that the past thirty or forty years as seen "trickle up" economics with CEOs, corporate and Wall Street fat cats receiving outrageous pay packages, bonuses and profits while the middle class has essentially stagnated in real wage increases.

Today Bob Herbert in the NY Times wrote an Op Ed piece about just that, entitled "Nightmare Before Christmas" and he essentially described my family's economic situation. Depressing I know, but going into the 2008 elections, it might be a good idea to be armed with this information as you listen to the candidates. The only one who seems to be on this page is John Edwards (of course Dennis Kucinich as well but he'll be President when pigs fly).

Here's Herbert's article:

1 comment:

Joe Kozlowski said...

Good for you!

Governments have only two ways to raise revenue. They can either tax or they can borrow. It doesn't seem that "borrow and spend" is working real well. Perhaps we should try what the Right characterizes as "Tax and Spend" (which framed more accurately is actually "Pay as you go".)