Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas Baby

gotta love the Boss.

Xmas was just about perfect, cept for when my oldest daughter said "I don't see the big deal about Bruce Springsteen......I like Billy Joel better."

ACK! How can those two names be uttered in the same sentence?

I'm re-thinking my will....

Seriously though, Bruce is a consumate talent in my view.

Don't believe it. click on the video....and this isn't even the best version. Just the best version available on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

Your daughter is rght. Billy Joel is light years beyond Bruce Springsteen as a writer and as a musician.

Trudy said...

You base this on ?????

Billy Joel seems so commodified to me, so polished and uptown.

What I like about Bruce is his rawness. I like his subject matter.

Plus, for sheer sexiness...there is no contest. Joel is a blip on the radar, whereas Bruce...well Bruce is the stuff many dreams are made of....