Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tasered at Florida University.."Step out of line, the man come and take you away."

You better STOP children, what's that sound, everybody look what's goin' down.

I don't know about you, but I am outraged about the tasering of that student, Andrew Meyer, for supposedly "resisting arrest" when cops tried to pull him away from a microphone. Naomi Wolfe has a great column on HuffPo describing this act as a harbinger of what is to come, as our society is "closing" as she says.

People are not paying attention! One incident here, another development there, it is the drip-drip of Chinese water torture, slowly getting American people accustomed to agregrious trespasses on our civil rights. But connect the dots! Blackwater shoots at Iraqis as basically target practice.....did you know that Blackwater is a private mercenary army in Iraq which is recruiting American soldiers OUT of the US Army? They pay about three times what the US Army pays and they don't have to answer to the Military code of Justice. They don't need Congressional approval to fight in wars and they can be deployed by PRIVATE CITIZENS. Maybe soon they'll be coming to a theater near you. Connect this to the gazillions of dollars Halliburton has made off the war in Iraq and it starts to become clear that the US Pentagon is a figurehead institution or soon will be, but a figurehead in cahoots with the private mercenary contractors.

Now the State is tasering kids at universities for speaking past their time limit at political forums. If this kid was criticizing Kerry for not being SUPPORTIVE of George W. Bush, would he still have gotten tasered? I'm going to be posting the video shortly, judge for yourself whether this act in Florida was over the top, and while viewing it, try to place yourself in the situation with those cops, under those circumstances and imagine what it would be like.

I hope we start seeing bumper stickers "Don't taze me Bro!" For What It's Worth


Joe Kozlowski said...

I'm glad someone else noticed.

Trudy said...

Right. Not much word on the street about this. I find it really disturbing obviously.