Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Secret....get anything you want? Wish for it? Try wishing to be a NY Knick

Ongoing discussion on a listserv regarding the bestselling book/DVD "The Secret". If you haven't heard of it, you need to get off the Space Station and arrange transport back to Earth, soon.

Anywho, here's my take in a conversation I'm having, once again with my buddy Tony:

HI Tony,

You say that perhaps we simply open up our awareness
of events that may further realization of our goals.

Yes, I agree! You open up opportunites to take
action toward making what you are constantly mentally
dwelling upon, happen.

I could wish all I like, to become a star player on
the New York Knicks basketball team, and do all of the
mental exercises the Secret advises and it aint gonna
happen baby! :-))

You and I as ballerina and basketball player could
start a theatre of the absurd, however.

Once, I was in need of $40 to pay a bill that I had
overlooked. I was a single mom at the time and money
was tight. The very day, a Saturday, wherein I
became aware that I needed the money right away, a
check for $40 arrived in the mail. It was a check
from a company I'd worked for a year previously and
during an audit they apparently caught an error in
which they had shorted me on a paycheck by the amount
of $40.00.

Now, the Secret folks might have me believe that I
"manifested" the $40 check out of the Universe. If
so, did that mean that early in the morning, before I
realized I had to pay that bill immediately, that the
Post Office did NOT have possession of that check?
Did it mean that once I "thought" about the $40, it
....POOF.... sprang into existence right inside the
mail bag of my mailman? Or could it be that the $40
bucks was on its way to me anyway, regardless of
whether I thought about it or not?

The term "there is no such thing as coincidence" is
meant to imply that everything is happening for a very
important reason and people, places and things are
coordinated to come together for the spiritual benefit
of ME. The folks who talk about "there is no such
thing as coincidence" seem to me to be overlooking a
TON of incidents where there is absolutely nothing
remarkable going on.

For example, last night I went to the gas station and
filled my car with gas. There were several other
foks there simultaneously filling their car with gas.
Coincidence? Likewise I was at the grocery store
and many others were shopping there as well,

It seems to me that events are deemed to carry
supernatural weight when what occurs happens to
correspondence to what we've been thinking about.
Events are just as random as they ever were, but when,
coincidentally we were just happening to be
considering something mentally and an associated event
occurs, we immediately jump to the conclusion that it
was MEANT to be! We run into a friend we were
thinking of earlier in the day....suddenly the
intersect of thought/event MEANS something

I think it's all a bit superstitious. But I could
be wrong.



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