Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein and Alfonso Cuaron

I listened to an hour long interview with Naomi Klein on Democracy Now. She provides just too many facts to be ignored by any thinking person. The connection between the development of electric shock treatment of psychiatric patients and the use of the same techniques by the CIA and other military personnel is truly bone chilling. It's application to entire societies based upon Milton Friedman's philosophy of economic shock theory is diabolical. If you have ever wondered where the NeoCons and right wing think tanks derive their modus operandi AND their driving motivation, look no further than Milton Friedman. His ideas and policies and so diametrically opposed to anything remotely socially responsible, compassionate and healthy for godsake, there should be no wondering any longer about why the world run by the Neocons is currently so disasterous for the well-being of our planet and the human race.

But back to the inception of the shock treatment, in the case of individuals. I cannot fathom how any human being could perpetrate this type of treatment on any other sentient being. People are "shocked" (how apt) by the action of Michael Vick in his treatment of dogs; how much more people would be and SHOULD be shocked, if they only knew what goes on between people, behind the cover of "liberation" or "coup d' tat" or "war on terror".

I'm ordering Naomi Klein's book from Amazon. I urge everyone to at least familiarize themselves with the facts, the HISTORY she presents. It's OUR history; OUR generation's legacy.

With all of this going on in the background, wonder so many of us were hippies. We sensed the calculated evil, yes I will say "evil" of the "establishment" and we rebelled. By "establishment, I don't mean Leave it to Beaver, Ward and June; I mean the sequestered cabals deciding on Viet Nam, funding the CIA, Black Ops, right-wing coups of democratically elected govts, political assasinations, you NAME it.

I wish people would WAKE UP once again, where are the hippies now? Come out, come out wherever you are! Please.

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