Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Should Obama Appear on Fox News?

I was asked this question by a website called "Fox Attacks", probably as part of their response to the incident yesterday where Bill O'Reilly manhandled one of Obama's staffers while trying to get Fox cameras and microphones near enough to Obama for a soundbyte. A soundbyte to use later in an unfair and unbalanced way to spin Obama once again until he is unrecognizable to the people who actually know him. This is the Fox M.O. and Obama knows it. So far he has avoided appearing on their network; after they ran a smear campaign against him back in January '07, shrieking that he "attended a Muslim madrassa!!" in order to stir up the faithful into yet another frenzy over some cooked up allegation about someone who's politics are not in lockstep with theirs.

I sent my response to Fox Attacks stating basically....well....this:

Anytime someone of Obama's stature appears on Fox News, it gives them credibility as a bonafide news and journalism outlet. When in actual fact, they are much more like a highly over-produced "The View". Does anyone tune into The View to get serious news reporting and/or analysis?

People who've uttered the words "fair and balanced" relative to Fox News has never watched PBS "News Hour with Jim Lehrer". Even News Hour has a way to go to present enough commentators and reporters from the Left, but compared to Fox News they are light years from Fox in comprehensive journalism. The word "journalism" shouldn't be applied to Fox News in any case. They are commentators, merely and they are not even to the level of a "National Enquirer".....at least the Enquirer gets it right a percentage of the time. No, Fox is basically "E!" on steroids, and O'Reilly is like the drunk C student who wanders into a neighboring college debate and imagines he can actually speak to the issues.

When Fox News approaches Obama should simply nod and smile from a distance, as one would do with an eccentric, nosy neighbor who has a few loose screws, and owns handguns.

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