Thursday, January 3, 2008

Great Quote of today (so far...)

Bob Cesca, columnist and blogger on Huffington Post:

"Now, hundreds of years later, the Bush Republicans have outspokenly rewritten Patrick Henry's maxim and they're proud to live under the motto: "Give me liberty... unless it interferes with keeping me alive. Wahhh! Help!" Acquiescence and submissiveness is now somehow patriotic. As long as we keep shopping, we won't notice what's being done to the Constitution."

Amen Bob! "As long as we keep shopping...", ain't it the truth! That is all the financial news is about these days; that and the price of oil reaching $100 a barrel.
As oil reaches $3.65 a gallon, rather than save or invest, we're urged to spend! This is a consumer economy, we take after our Uncle, borrow and spend, borrow and spend while the creditors get rich. It's the new feudal system. Credit card companies are the Lords and Barons and we're the serfs. That's on the micro scale. On the macro scale, our Uncle is a serf to foreign investors. Better bone up on those Mandarin and Cantonese language lessons....that is if you have any $$ left over after filling your gas tank.

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