Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Real America

Democrats are stymied with the results of polling lately. Bush's approval ratings are so could the country be leaning Republican AGAIN? Who are these people??

Some of these folks are those who are willing to admit to themselves that yes, McCain might have lied here and there, that Sarah Palin may have stretched the truth a little bit, but that is okay. Some follow blindly and progressives think they have awakened in some alternate Universe...."how could they vote against their own self interests? How can they follow a man like McCain who wants to continue the Iraq war? After all, wasn't Obama's popularity due in large part to the fact that he was against the Iraq war from the beginning? Isn't this one of the main slams against Hillary, that she voted for it? Aren't the American people interested in ending the war in Iraq?" Judging from Obama's ads of late, one wouldn't think so. He is not campaigning on the war theme at all anymore. So how CAN the American public be so gullible as to fall for another war-monger we say to ourselves.

Living on the coasts as most of my friends do, and those progressive folks in New York City sometimes forget that America in large part is The Waltons. America is Dollywood. America is Deliverance. America is Beavis and Butthead. America is Pimp my Ride. America is Survivor. America is County Fair. The majority of these Americans are not at all adverse to wars.

I think Democrats made a miscalculation when they attributed the disapproval ratings for Bush as a sign that the 67% were therefore going to all vote Democratic this time around to end the war. Perhaps the disapproval of Bush was that he had not had a decisive victory in Iraq, like Desert Storm. Perhaps they were angry that he had not managed to capture Bin Laden and given them SATISFACTION and prestige; they haven't yet been able to high five each other and woo hoo it up.

These are the Americans who have no problem supporting a crusty old war monger POW who says things like "I see victory in Iraq. I know how to leave, by winning it!" or "There will be wars ahead, many wars." or "I will follow bin Laden to the gates of Hell!" They have no problem with Palin saying "Perhaps so" we will have to go to war with Russia." These Americans have no problem with war.

Sure, some of their kids will have to go to these wars and die, but think about it, the spin is that when they die it is for a "noble cause" and they become automatic heroes. Not to be cynical here but a war hero might be better for some of these families than a lackluster ne'er do well son or daughter that would have otherwise been an embarrassment. Now they can be heroes. Like Sarah Palin's son; he is being touted as a Patriot and hero for signing up but it is not mentioned that the judge ordered him to sign up to the military or go to prison for vandalizing school buses. I cannot believe he is the only one in that circumstance. For the parents of these kids it is 'whew! thank god there is the military option." Even with the possibility of death looming out there, the military option is still seen as superior to having your kid be a punk or criminal bringing shame and blame on the family.

The majority of Nascar families, small town families (who overwhelmingly vote Republican) will not see their children go to wars. They will sit back and watch the (sanitized) war news on TV and pass the popcorn.

I am one of those who believe that Americans are never gonna get it about war, unless and until it is fought on their doorsteps, their loved ones are killed right in front of them and their towns and cities destroyed. Then at long last, Americans may well lose their taste for war.

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