Saturday, September 13, 2008

"In what respect Charlie?" Charles Gibson's interview with Sarah Palin

Palin reminded me of the typical Bible thumpers who ring my doorbell on Saturday mornings. They are not interested in REALLY having a conversation, they view my time with them as an opportunity to hammer me over and over with their talking points. If I ask a detailed question, a question which requires a thought process, a sophisticated grasp on the basis of the question, they go into "wash, rinse, repeat" mode. They act as if simply repeating their beliefs and talking points over and over is suddenly going to become convincing. It doesn't. Sarah Palin's repetition of her memorized talking points did nothing to convince me of anything OTHER than her hubris and lack of depth. This woman does not think in nuanced ways, she does not dive deeply into critical thinking.

These are deal-breakers as far as I am concerned. I have lived long enough, read widely enough, traveled extensively enough to know that the world is simply not black and white. The world is not a cartoon between Bullwinkle and Rocky vs. Natasha and Boris. It is complex, having complicated and entangled issues. I want a leader who grasps that directly with great powers of perception.

Plus I want a leader who understands Science. Palin believes that dinosaurs lived on Earth 6,000 years ago. This kind of ignorance is embarrassing and a big clue to the mind of the woman. As my husband said "A beauty pageant contestant, with beauty pageant answers."

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