Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Psychosphere: Where Facts are Crazier

Got this from a friend this morning. Thought I'd pass along. Hang on to your hats everybody and buckle your seat belts (Oh, but don't DRIVE anywhere unless you absolutely HAVE to. Fasten your seatbelts anyway though.....).


Hello to the Horde,

Please see attachment- best cartoon to explain the problem I have seen.. please must see…..halarious if it wasn’t so serious….


As we come to the first quarter of 2008, we see economic calamities. But “psychophere “ readers are not among those who were caught unaware. Now that the collapse or recession is underway we see inflation rising. What the f**k does that mean dre??? That means we will all get poorer, everything will cost more, every commodity will increase, but not your well earned wages. NO gang, we will pay for this fiasco with inflation, the hidden tax!!!! Thanks uncle bush….your sure are swell. Commodities like wheat, pork bellies, gold, silver, cooper, lumber, agriculture, etc… will increase for two main reasons. One price of fuel is the foundation of commodity prices, so if fuel cost go up, everything fucking goes up… This is happening for number of reasons, Iraq war or other middle east geopolitical reasons, increased demand, no increase in output, and last but not least the erosion of the dollar. And two, as the dollar weakens it cost more dollars to buy the same amount of anything. Bang!!!inflation…get it. You have a spread in two directions. The stock market is taking the beating we spoke of in the last edition, no surprises. The derivatives market looks ripe to break. We all know how the housing thing is going, glad we didn’t listen to the MSM analyst, “soft landing” my ass. The dollar will continue to slide, by the end of the year 2 dollar per euro. Fuel will reach 135 dollars a barrel, and housing prices will plummet by another 15-20 percent. But hey, its all for freedom, right? Where fighting to free the world by giving them our freedoms right?…..that’s normal right? For the cost of this war we could have avoided all of this financial mess, secured social security, had free college education, and free medical. Gotta love the fight against those dam terrorist, you know the ones that only exists in Disneyworld, or the world we are supposed to believe in. And if you don’t, we got a room for ya in Gitmo, its called the water boarding room. Where you will do and say anything to make you believe in Disneyland again….… I love this brave new world…..

Sssso, for all you soon to be home owners, get ready for some good pickens at the end of 2009. Stay away 2008, unless you have a deal to steal…

http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5iPODn59bFNSnccM9QHN0ZKT7gGUQ Oh did I forget to mention it’s a global problem too, shit, when it rains it poors…….no pun intented
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/10/goldman-sachs-fed-may-cu_n_90710.html they have been doing this over and over again with the same results, failure. Some people call that insanity. And they call me crazy. Cause I am!!!!!Heeee Ha
http://www.marketwatch.com/news/story/goldman-sachs-raises-possibility-200/story.aspx?guid=%7b4B702F7F-41F8-45F0-A133-630F12F2C764%7d&print=true&dist=printTop Just a little misstep with Iran and boom, were fucked…
http://www.reuters.com/article/bondsNews/idUSN0832645120080308 You guys think Im playing, its everywhere…325 Billion hit!!! Just like that overnight practically. What about smaller company’s ?
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/business/economics/article3508468.ece can you hear those printing presses at the Fed… every dollar they make they get a cut…..and your dollars purchasing power decreases……….I love the fed, there always watching out for us…
http://money.howstuffworks.com/grocery-store-prices-for-14-items-in-1957.htm perspective on inflation
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080306/ap_on_bi_ge/home_foreclosures must read

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