Friday, May 18, 2012

The Taboo Against Ecstasy

There is a taboo in this country.   There  is the buttoned down extreme conservatism co-existent in a schizophrenic relationship with no holds barred, vulgar lowest common denominator reality TV level degeneracy.    People imagine that because they have thrown off the shackles of traditional values taught in generations past, that they are somehow free.  There are those that imagine they are creating free art.   Lady Gaga comes to mind.   None of this is free.   None of the sports, entertainments, music industry output, filmography touches on the true Ecstasy of Existence itself.   We can be decandent all we like.   We can be Girls Gone Wild, we can do all manner of hedoism in the name of freedom and youth and rebellion.  But none of it is free.   None of it really delivers.   None of it gets at the ROOT knot in the gut.   The tightness in the chest; the always present stress, that within us that makes us tail-gate while driving.  That "thing" that is aching for release.   Sex momentarily releases some stress.  Thank God....and we often do.   But stress release, even of aerobic exxercise is still....not it.   Not it and we know it.   We sense it.  But there is no outlet to even articulate what it is we crave; our heart's desire even if we KNEW what it was.

I am going to suggest that there is a taboo against GENUINE ecstasy in this country.  You may NOT be ecstatic.    You may be enthusiastic.   You may be "stoked" if you live in California.   You may be overcome by emotion...say if you win the lottery.   A little bit of bliss is allowed.   In tiny moments.   At a wedding of your children.  At a birth of a child.  Some of the bliss bleeds through and it is allowed.   But all the time?  Are you NUTS?  Besides, what are you talking about?

It has been known by the ancients that there is within the human soul a need and deep desire to connect with the Source of all Bliss.  The wise of many traditions have known that BLISS is our very nature.   The wise in many traditions have taught that there are practices which open one to that very Bliss.....the Bliss, that "nectar of the gods" which is inherent in PRAISE.   That's right.  PRAISE....of the Divine.    Are you a scientist?  An atheist?   No worries.   Bow your head to Nature.   Kiss the feet of Oxygen.   Can you live without either?   You can at least praise the existence given you by oxygen.

The point is to dissolve into absolute ecstatic bliss though the praise and awakening love by singing and/or dancing our your praise and love to that VERY ONE.   Whomoever is your Cosmic Beloved, to that one  is due your praise and love.   It is not for the sake of that ONE in whom all is suffience and contains all opulences and it for the sake of fulfill our heart's become utterly and completely given over to ecstatic, to be "beside ourselves" with Joy.   Joy, joy and more joy.  Loving whole-heartedly that which is whole-heartedly Love-able brings down the torrent of Bliss which is what we really seek in all of our paltry endeavors in the realm of "distraction." Behind very face, in every activity, we are really seeking the face of the Cosmis Beloved.  Don't you remember?

Defy the taboo.  Become ecstatic.   Get to know your true Self.

Sufis are one group who have always had a key to Divine Ecstasy.   I include this for your foray into breaking taboos.   Enjoy.  Love.